Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Part 6: My Response to Asjad Bukhari’s Blog on Hoodbhoy Issue

Aboriginals and Justification for Extremism

Tazeen Hasan 

My Response to Asjad Bukhari’s Blog on my article published in Express Blogs part 6

Asjad Bukhari Blog statement: “Her strongest argument: Western civilization did lot of atrocities with indigenous aboriginals in North America and Australia also — I acknowledge and I asked does that give Muslims a justification for doing the same on the name of faith/Allah?”

This sentence gives an impression that I justified extremists actions on the basis of First Nations history. Let me correct him that in our conversation in the brief meeting, I never said a word about this issue.

This is another mistaken statement.
Probably he is referring to my talk show on aboriginals to promote awareness about Canadian First Nations among South Asian communities in Canada which was recorded because of some of my First Nation friends at Alberta Writer’s Guild especially my close friend Edmonton Poet laureate Anna Marie Swell requested me to help them eradicate stereotypes associated with First Nations. As an emerging Canadian journalist having a fair number of audience in South Asian communities, I find it my responsibility to study the issue objectively. During my research for a Harvard project, I found that aboriginals are in fact most stereotyped community in Canada. I summarized my findings in two of my Harvard assignments, two newspaper features, and one talk show. My talk was an effort to bring change in the perceptions of South Asian communities.

I challenge Mr. Asjad Bukhari to point one single statement in my talk show where I am justifying the atrocities of Extremists. In fact, I didn’t discuss extremism issue let alone justifying this ideology.

This was Mr. Asjad Bukhari’s obsession with the topic, not mine. I work on a number of issues simultaneously. As I mentioned I have always written against all kind of oppression regardless of religion, race, and ethnicity. And I have spoken loudly against all forms of extremism.
(Continued Part 6)

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