Rise of Extremism in Pakistan and the Muslim World
Tazeen Hasan
My Response to Asjad Bukhari’s Blog on my article published in Express Blogs part 2
Let me correct him here too, contrary to his preconceived notion that I ignore this problem, I am on the same page with him on this issue. I fully agree with him that Jihadists are exploiting the consequences of proxy wars. I wrote in detail about it with evidence in my express news blog when I discussed the rise of extremism in Pakistan. (Tazeen Hasan)
Let’s evaluate some more statements from his blog:
Asjad Bukhari blog statement: “No doubt this wave of terrorism and extremism in Muslim countries have strongest links with American foreign policies and proxy wars in the region but the justification and multiplication to accelerate the problem is coming from Islamist interpretations of scriptures. Jihadists are exploiting that with full strength, ignoring that side by persons like Ms. Tazeen is also a part of biggest problem.”
Let me correct him here too, contrary to his preconceived notion that I ignore this problem, I am on the same page with him on this issue. I fully agree with him that Jihadists are exploiting the consequences of proxy wars. I write in detail about it with evidence in my express news blog when I discussed the rise of extremism in Pakistan.
And I believe Mr. Hoodbhoy has also acknowledged this in one of his interviews. I shared his quote on my Facebook Timeline in December 2014 (but unable to trace it now), immediately after the attack on army public school. But part of the problem is that many of us do not recognize that we should try to reduce the grievances of those affected by proxy wars. Take the example of drone victims in Waziristan.
I can place dozens of quotes from the international news media that majority of the deaths by drones correspond to civilians who have not committed any act of terrorism. Instead of addressing their grievances, we ignore them altogether in our rhetoric of the religious extremism. Mr. Asjad Bukhari will endorse me that a large number of the affected people are exploited by brutal and savage terrorist groups like Tehreeki Taliban Pakistan.
How can an enlightened and educated person ignore victim's grievances and talk endlessly over extremism.
Please note, this issue needs more discussion. In the coming days I will come back with more statistical evidence inshallah.
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